My own experience of Autism & Giftedness through early intervention

We focus on Mainstream school integration and neuro-development

We create individual early intervention plan which is tailor to boost your child's brain development and maturity level. We use modified ABA/IBI, DTT, SLP, OT method incorporate into our intervention plan.


Happy kids

Our expertise and services

We spent countless hours working with kids who are in the autism, adhd spectrum, speech delays and developmental delays. We also have in-depth experience working with neurotypical child. We are well versed in both worlds, so we understand how to help asd kids to adpate to mainstream society. We do not use "robotic" behevior intervention. But discover the true potential of a child and boost his/her individual skill set to adapt to the main society.

Behavior intervention: Such as meltdown, unable to control emotion, short attention span, disruptive in the class, selective mutism. etc

Speech intervention: Such as echololia, repetitive language, unable to communicate, delayed echololia., unable to distinguish between you and I, etc

Our Team

We have been in your shoes before, we are here to help.

Our Team

ASD Team


My original background was biochemistry PHD from University of Toronto who specialize in vaccine development and was working for world renowned pharmaceutical company. Now, me and my husband both obtained BCBA from China.

I noticed my son had certain development delays at age 2-3 such as communication and overall maturity. At the time the biggest concern was his behavoir issue espcially meltdowns which started to last more than 30-40 mins.

2 day cares recommended early intervention and our pediatrician suspected he may be in both ASD/ADHD spectrum.

My son Ray was officially diagnosed with autism level 2 at age 3 by Pivotal Kids Doctor and also by Dr. Merchant from Maple Kidz at age 4 (ASD Level 2). In addition, He was suspected to have ADHD because of short attention span and behavior issue. By definition: ASD is a mental disorder, not an illness which can never be cured. Level 2 meaning he requires substantial support, let alone enjoy the things normal kids can do.

The darkest day was when he enter Junior Kindergarten at Crosby public school, teacher would not allow him to stay more than 2 hours and 55 mins because of his behavior.

Me and my husband can not predict the future and only ways is to spend 100% effort on studying ASD/ADHD intervention. In the process, we hit certain obstacle that how we define what's "normal", what's a "good" behavior? He still a 3 year old kid, do we enforce these rigid/robotic ABA to correct every "bad" behavior? We still want him to be a kid. Only way to learn is to get an in-depth understanding of NT kids, then we can see his gap in a mainstream group setting. We started to volunteer to different summer, winter, PA day, after school camps to learn how kids behave from age 2-8.

We also worked with a biggest ASD centre from China and developed a program to enhance brain and overall development. We understand once child's cognitive goes up and everything goes up. Once he can successfully adapt to mainstream school, then he will be able to self learning.

After 4 month intervention he made major progress, most of the ASD symptom such as: behavior, emotional control, attention span, fine motor, speech, social all gone up. School have removed him from IEP. Six month later, in lot areas he surpass NT kid's milestone. Now he's 5 and half, in grade 1, he does amazing in school, very social and have lot friends. Plus he volunteer to be a leader in many activities. He also excel in sports, academics. He is usually the leader in his sports camp. Now, when he goes to the park, he would pick up new friends and some of their parents would ask our contact to setup play dates. In the process, we found certain talent that he has which he is years ahead of his peers.

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I was a software engineer/computer science major from Univeristy of Waterloo. In the early years, I was a software programmer for elite high tech companies.

When my son Ray was diagnosed with autism level 2, my life completely changed. Initially, we spent tons of money on different therapy I don't find it effective at all. Then I decided to stop everything else in life, but work on ASD/ADHD intervention. Similarly as my wife, we worked with kids within the spectrum and kids who are not. I decided to worked with one of the biggest/popular ASD centre in China, a country with over billion population. Over there I obtained my BCBA and worked with many ASD kids.

Now Ray is 5 year old and he's in a French Immersion school. All the ASD symptom are gone, no different than other NT kids.

We are here to help regardless ASD, ADHD ODD etc, We do not label anyone and treat everyone the same, our main goal is to boost your child's individual skill, so he/she can be the best version of themeselve.

Pricing and Schedule

We have been in your shoes before, so we absolutely understand your difficulty.

30 mins consultation: Free
Initial Assessement: $80

In person one on one therapy: $38 per hour, we will accomodate weekend, nights, after work base on availablity. There is no minimum hours or contract or one month notice, no charge on cancellation due to sickness. *Only applies to Richmond Hill, Markham and Surrounding area in Toronto, Ontario Canada.*

Online program: This is designed for parents to implement, we will work with parents online by providing the program, coaching and feedback. We will walk you through every step of the way. You will have our support along the way and answering any questions that you have. $168 CAD per 2 month.

We do not require cancellation notice or charge a cancellation fee. If your child is sick, you can either cancel without charge or reschedule. If you would like to stop the service, you can cancel anytime.

Practice Areas

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ABA Therapy

Our ABA program is designed for children ages 2 to 8. Our intervention takes place in home, daycare, camps, parks or after school programs. Our program is to boost neuro-development and enter mainstream life style. Such as: following instructions, understanding social rules, self-regulations.

Speech Therapy

Our speech program is is designed for children ages 2 to 7.. We work on speech delays, receptive language and overall cognitive development to obtain language flexiblity.

Occupational Therapy

Our ABA program is designed for children ages 2 to 8.. Our program is intended to increase fine motor and gross moter development. Increase attention span, longer focus time plus self care.

Music and Sports

Music and sports activity is a great way to enhance neuro-development. We will implement singing, dancing, panio, ball type of sports and balancing sports. This is customized based on your child's interest.

Social Skill

Every parents wants their child to have friends and enjoy their childhood. We have an eight step process to help your child gain in social skill.

Explore giftness

Every child is unique and may have exceptional ability in certain area, It could be chess, balancing, drawing.. we are here to help you discover and develop.

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